The 1769 King James Bible – Benjamin Blayney Edition

To start this great website we are publishing here the King James Bible (1769 – Benjamin Blayney edition).

It is a great Bible that is used around the world in modern day Bibles. It’s history and reputation is amazing and you can have a look at what is said about it.

This is provided copyright free and as such feel free to read it for spiritual benefit or to help others. It can be downloaded and distributed as to help others in the world.

To start this website we are publishing here the King James Bible (1769 – Benjamin Blayney edition).

It is a Bible that is used around the world in modern day Bibles. It’s history and reputation is amazing and you can have a look at what is said about it here.

Please be advised, that with all ancient texts, one must be careful and view it together with other editions/reprints (in case some text is lost or unreadable due to age etcetera). However, this does not reduce the pleasure of reading the original and ancient texts!

Please also be advised, that to ensure speedy download and reading, the Bible/book has been embedded (as Adobe pdf) – whilst it is downloading you will see a progress bar. However, before the download completes, if you scroll up or down, during this time, the page WILL look a bit weird. Wait till it downloads and all will be OK.

The Original Bible or book is below:

(Sometimes the Bible/book does not load, just change the page number and then retry the original page or refresh the web page)

This Is Page Number:

If you do not see the book on this page it is probably because Google Docs has not loaded it. Please either refresh the page or change the page number and it should start to work.

Index of the book (please forgive any unreadable bits: this index is computer generated from ancient texts):

19 thoughts on “The 1769 King James Bible – Benjamin Blayney Edition

    1. Hi,

      Unfortunately, after much research in the past, only this half is available in electronic format.

      The other half is in the New York State Public library. They will grant access to this print version. So, if someone wants to scan/photo it and send it to us we will be more than happy to provide it here.

    2. wow on the last page 731, at the top is a picture of the masonic checkerboard. well wont be reading this bible!!!!

      1. That’s actually not a “Masonic checkerboard.” And I would know. I’m a Mason. A Master Mason also created and constituted a Knight Templar in the York Rite of Freemasonry, and currently a Master of the Royal Secret, 32°, holding the rank and decoration of a Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America (Mother Supreme Council of the World).

        What it really appears to be is a dimension scale measurement system for the color and white balance for the scanning of the volume. Usually, these will be seen in both color and in black and white. But the scan is in black and white so the color elements cannot be seen, aside from the fact that most of the scales are not seen in the scan on this site.

  1. What is the address of the New York State Public Library referenced above? Would they allow someone to scan the second half of this 1769 Blayney bible?

    Are there any other sources of a complete 1769 Blayney bible online?

  2. Do you have any plans and means to provide the rest of the “The 1769 King James Bible – Benjamin Blayney Edition” ?

    Currently your PDF pages finish at the end of Jeremiah.

    1. I am a pastor who really want to have the second half of 1769 kjv in Korea.
      I want to know real history about the KJV. in Korea.

      1. Hi,

        The second part is in the New York Public library archive. All knowledge about the edition is easily found on Google and Wikipedia.

    1. Hi,

      The above is a 1772 edition and not 1769. As per the New Your public Library there is a Vol. 2 from 1769!

      Please see

      Unfortunately that Vol 2. is not in an electronic version. Your version starts at the Apocrypha and is missing all from the end of Jeremiah till the Apocrypha.

      However, we should add your Bible soon to this site. If you have the 1772 Vol 1. We could add that too.

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