This is a book by Rev. Henry J. Van-Lennep DD. This book explains the manners and customs of the Bible lands..
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Index of the book (please forgive any unreadable bits: this index is computer generated from ancient texts):
1 thought on “Bible Lands Their Modern Customs and Manners PDF (1875)”
Dear Sir, I’m looking for “… As to the origin of the name, … the Chinese were so called from the dynasty of the Thŝin, who reigned from the year 246, A.C., and onward (see Du Halde, Descr. de la Chine, t. i. ~ 1; Abel-Remusat, Melanges Asiatiques, ii. p. 334, seqq.), a Hebrew writer, contemporary with Cyrus …; but (whatever be thought of the people Tshinas, mentioned in the laws of Menu) the authors of this opinion themseves concede, that the name of that dynasty might be known amongst foreign nations before it was in possession of the whole empire of China … … as seen in Blue Letter Bible
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Dear Sir, I’m looking for “… As to the origin of the name, … the Chinese were so called from the dynasty of the Thŝin, who reigned from the year 246, A.C., and onward (see Du Halde, Descr. de la Chine, t. i. ~ 1; Abel-Remusat, Melanges Asiatiques, ii. p. 334, seqq.), a Hebrew writer, contemporary with Cyrus …; but (whatever be thought of the people Tshinas, mentioned in the laws of Menu) the authors of this opinion themseves concede, that the name of that dynasty might be known amongst foreign nations before it was in possession of the whole empire of China … … as seen in Blue Letter Bible